Piles Doctor/Surgeon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Hemorrhoids, often known as piles, are a common problem. They are swollen veins found inside or outside the anus that can cause pain, itching, and rectal bleeding. Many people get relief from symptoms with home remedies, such as eating a high-fiber diet, which helps to avoid hemorrhoids by softening and making stool easier to pass.

However, hemorrhoids can require medical treatment to ease severe symptoms. For medical help, visit Shadbhavna Hospital to get the most advanced Laser Piles Treatment in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Simple modifications like drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, and avoiding straining during bowel movements can all help manage and prevent hemorrhoids.

laser piles

What is Piles (Hemorrhoids)?

The pillow-shaped vein collections are found right under the anus and the lower portion of the rectum's mucous membrane. When those veins become enlarged and stretched out, like varicose veins in the legs, the condition known as hemorrhoids (or piles) develops. The affected blood vessels must constantly fight gravity to return blood to the heart.

Piles Causes

Hemorrhoids are microscopic blood veins on your lower body that are caused by straining the veins in your anus or rectum. These veins can expand and cause inflammation as a result of any action that increases pressure in your lower body or abdomen. Hemorrhoids are caused by heavy lifting and weightlifting, constipation-related straining to have a bowel movement, and abdominal pressure from weight gain, especially during pregnancy.

Piles Diagnosis

Hemorrhoids are commonly diagnosed through a physical examination. External hemorrhoids can generally be seen clearly. Internal hemorrhoid diagnosis requires an inspection of the anal canal and rectum. During a digital examination, the surgeon inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum to look for problems like growth. Internal hemorrhoids are often too soft to feel during this examination. Thus, a visual evaluation might be essential.

The surgeons will use an anoscope, proctoscope, or sigmoidoscope to inspect the bottom of your colon and rectum. These will provide an improved viewpoint, helping in the identification and diagnosis of internal hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

The symptoms of hemorrhoids vary based on the type you have. External hemorrhoids can result in anal itching, one or more firm, sensitive lumps near the anus, and anal pain, especially when sitting. Excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning near the anus might aggravate the symptoms, although most people recover within a few days.

However, internal hemorrhoids can cause rectal bleeding, which can be seen in your stool during or after a bowel movement. They can also cause prolapse, in which hemorrhoids pass through the anal opening. Internal hemorrhoids have no pain sensations unless they prolapse (which can cause significant pain and suffering).

Types of Piles

They can be of five types. External, internal, thrombosed, mixed, and Prolapsed. To know it clearly, read the below lines :

  • External hemorrhoids grow around the anus and are visible from the outside. They can be immensely painful, resulting in swelling, itching, and discomfort.
  • Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum and can identified when you see blood in stool or on the toilet after the bowel movement.
  • Thrombosed Piles develop when blood clots grow within the exterior piles. It is a very serious scenario, which can result in painful swelling and inflammation.
  • Mixed piles can be identified by the name. They involve a mixture of both internal and external piles. They can show a mix of symptoms and might require professional treatment.
  • Prolapsed Hemorrhoids(piles) form when internal piles expand and can be diagnosed by the presence of a lump from the anus during or after bowel movements.

Piles Treatment in Ahmedabad

Hemorrhoids treatment includes two types. It can be treated with surgical methods as well as non-surgical methods. They can be performed by numbing the area to reduce the discomfort, and you can go home the same day after completing the treatment.

First, we will learn about the options available in non-surgical methods.

1. Rubber Band Ligation : They are placed on the base of the piles, which stop the blood supply to the particular area, causing them to dry up and fall off.

2. Sclerotherapy : A special type of liquid is injected into the hemorrhoid to reduce its size and shrink it over time.

3. Electrotherapy : This can be identified with the name, as it says. The surgeon applies a mild electric current in this method, which helps hemorrhoids shrink.

Infrared Coagulation : In this method, infrared light is passed aiming at the exact area of hemorrhoids, which cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoids, which leads to their shrinkage.

If none of the above options works for piles treatment in Ahmedabad, it might be possible to go for further surgical options. It includes hemorrhoidectomy, stapled hemorrhoidopexy, and hemorrhoidal artery ligation.

  • Hemorrhoidectomy includes cutting the hemorrhoids through surgery.
  • Stapled hemorrhoidopexy includes stapling back the hemorrhoids in the anus, decreasing the size and symptoms.
  • Hemorrhoidal artery ligation involves stitching of hemorrhoids, which stop blood supply and help them to shrink.

These methods are time-consuming and take longer time to heal. They are, however, useful for severe hemorrhoids and can help in recovery in the most severe cases.

Piles Complications

Complications from hemorrhoids are rare but might include a variety of difficulties. Chronic blood loss can cause anemia, which is a major concern. Anemia occurs when there are not enough healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body. Another issue is strangulated hemorrhoids, in which the blood supply to an internal hemorrhoid is severed, resulting in terrible pain. A thrombosed hemorrhoid is a type of hemorrhoid in which a blood clot forms. While not dangerous, thrombosed hemorrhoids can be quite uncomfortable and might require drainage. Meet piles doctor in Ahmedabad for Further information.

Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Increase your fiber intake through diet : Supplements like Citrucel or Metamucil can help manage hemorrhoids. Fiber helps to soften and promote the evacuation of stool, which may reduce hemorrhoids. Foods high in fiber include whole grains, broccoli, beans, and fresh fruit. Adding more fiber can ease discomfort. However, take it slowly and aim for more than 30 grams of fiber each day, as consuming more fiber may cause bloating or gas. Remember to drink plenty of water.

Exercise : Half-hour of slight cardio workout each day, such as brisk strolling, can improve your abdominal health drastically. This hobby lets you have ordinary bowel movements and decreases constipation by activating your digestive tract. Regular exercise maintains the muscle groups on your intestines strong, which promotes higher waste movement through your digestive tract. Walking or similar everyday sports can also help ease the pressure on hemorrhoids by improving general movement and reducing the threat of constipation.

Sitz bath method : Sitz baths are warm water baths used to ease the hips and buttocks. It eases pain, itching, and contractions in the muscles around the anus. A little plastic tub that fits over a toilet seat can be used, or you can sit in a regular bathtub with a few inches of warm water in it. The majority of doctors advise having a sitz bath two to three times a day, for 15-20 minutes following each bowel movement. After that, use a hair dryer or a towel to gently clean or dry the area. Do not rub or wipe harshly.

Why Choose Us for Laser Piles Treatment in Ahmedabad, Gujarat?

For laser piles treatment, Sadbhavna Hospital is known as one of the Best Hospitals for Piles Treatment in India and stands out for several reasons :

  • You get highly skilled doctors known for being the best Laser Piles Surgeon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • For best results, we use the advanced methods and tools available.
  • Our latest techniques for laser treatment for piles in India help you recover faster and experience less pain.

If you are someone who is facing difficulties with chronic hemorrhoids, visit our Laser Piles Clinic in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, to get the best treatment. Our best Laser Piles Doctor in India provides the best consultation and helps you to get the best opinion and treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do piles go away naturally?

    Although hemorrhoids usually go away on their own, if your symptoms do not get better after a week of attempting at-home remedies, you should consult a physician. If you experience rectal bleeding, you should also consult a Laser Piles Surgeon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

  • How long will piles last?

    In most cases, hemorrhoids (piles) go away on their own in a few days. On the other hand, many therapies help lessen discomfort and irritation. Slight dietary adjustments and no straining on the toilet are frequently advised.

  • Is pile surgery painful?

    After a hemorrhoidectomy, you can expect some pain, and most patients report moderate to severe pain. However, you should be able to control your pain with drugs. Healthcare practitioners typically offer several pain-management measures, such as oral and topical medicines and gentle wound care.

  • What is the initial stage of piles?

    The first stage piles are grade 1 piles, often known as hemorrhoids. This syndrome is characterized by hemorrhoids that extend into the anal canal but do not prolapse outside of the anus. Typically, they cannot be seen or touched from the anus. During a colonoscopy, haemorrhoids appear as tiny bulges in the lumen.